When accessing the platform, you may have noticed that your benefits have different statuses.
You can find what each means below:
Available - Benefit is available for opt-in / opt-out.
Unavailable - It's not possible to currently opt-in / opt-out of the benefit.
Processing - If you opt-in, this will show once details are being processed.
Ending - You are due to be opted out of the policy
Est. Starts - Once you have opted in, this will show the estimated start date for the benefit.
Active - Benefit is available to use!
Opt In Ends - (date) - This will show you how long you to have opt into the benefit
Opt Out Ends - (date) - This will show you how long you have to opt out of the benefit
The first time you log-in, some benefits might show for the first time as Processing, which means that you are opted in automatically and you will need to opt-out manually if needed.
If you think that the benefit status is not correct or more information is needed, please let us know on our chat support π